Wilderness Ranch Landowners Association
Annual Summer Meeting Minutes
July 6, 2024
Pres. Todd Carlson called meeting to order at 1:10
Board Members Present: Todd Carlson, Ty Stewart, Sid Arola, Guy Whitlock, Bud Bower, & Vicki Burns.
Todd welcomed everyone and asked that before they leave today to please check/update the contact info
that is on file with the association. This info is only shared in the event of emergencies at the ranch.
Officers Report: Todd reported that the county had done the mag on Co Rd 38 again this year and over
towards Bakers Peak as well. Game Reserve Dr since being re-graveled is holding up very well.
The water tank has been filled and is ready in the event it is needed for fire mitigation. Bud Bower mentioned he may have another tank that he was willing to give to the Association for water storage for fire mitigation issues. Will follow up when he can get it in his schedule to get it to the ranch.
Reminded everyone that driveway permits from the county are a must to maintain the integrity of the roads
For all.
Approximately 800 lbs. of trout were delivered on June 22nd, a big Thank You to all of those who turned out to help with delivering the fish to the ponds. We had some new owners and it was nice to meet these folks.
The perimeter lay-down fence is up and some much-needed repairs were done at the time of standing it up.
An estimate was received for replacing a mile of fence for labor only in the amount of $6,864.00. When this happens, the Association will purchase the materials.
Guest Speaker: Kevin Thompson from the US Forest Service gave a presentation and answered questions
on the upcoming fire mitigation project affecting Routt Forest, on near future and overall long-range plans for the mitigation process and opportunities for grants for the Association and private land owners to get help with perimeter fire breaks and other topics. He will forward info to be posted on the website to follow up with his presentation.
Sec. /Tres. Report – Vicki reported that to date there were 308 paid association members which equates to 363 lots and one owner has already paid for 2025.
General checking account balance as of June 30, 2024 is $45,147.09, with the legal fund balance being $10,012.97.
Correspondence: We have received several retuned mail items, owners paid dues and when cards or recent postcards have been sent out, they have come back undeliverable, cards were sent to the same address as given on the dues notice or on checks and verified with the county. Please clarify as to where you wish your mailings to go so we are not double mailing items. We have at least 4 regular mailings a yr..
Old Business: None brought up.
New Business:
While the Building department rep could not attend, he is available by phone 5 days a week, contact info
is printed on the backside of your membership cards.
Upcoming elections this fall: there will be 4 director seats up for election. Todd will appoint 3 members to be the nominating committee, these folks will gather names of members in good standing to run for the positions. If you are interested, please contact Todd and he can pass your name onto one of these individuals once they have agreed to serve. Terms ending are: Todd Carlson, Sid Arola, Bud Bower, & Guy
Whitlock. (All of these members have expressed an interest in serving another term).
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.
45 paid members plus family members and 4 non-paid land owners in attendance.
Respectfully Submitted,
Vicki Burns Sec/Tres
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 1, 2024
Pres. Todd Carlson called meeting to order at 6:59 pm
Board Members Present: Todd Carlson, Guy Whitlock, Sid Arola, Vicki Burns, Eli Allen, Bud Bower with
Ty Stewart by phone.
Minutes of the previous board meeting of March 20, 2024, were approved as presented.
These are posted on the website.
President Report: Todd called the meeting so a budget could be discussed and approved.
Review of current income & ongoing expenses was done.
Numerous budget items were examined, and a budget was approved. (attached)
Sec. /Tres. Report –
Vicki reported to date there were 344 lot dues paid to date. That equates to 296 owners.
The 3 partial payments have now been paid in full.
The general checking a/c balance is $60,015.06.
Legal fund balance being $9,812.97.
Old Business:
The website has been updated and all pages reflect the current dues amount. Thank you, Guy.
No other old business was brought forward.
New Business:
In depth discussion was held regarding the fencing project for this summer, several board members will
be contacting the adjoining ranch owners to get cooperation with the expense of putting up new fencing
for approximately another mile. The idea of the ranchers sharing in the expense by in-kind work or
providing labor or equipment/operator use was discussed and will be shared with the owners.
Either an email, phone call or letter will go out to the lot owners whose lots are bordered by the fence that will be worked on this summer. It was suggested to advise the owners that an area of 20’ will be cleared on both sides of the fence line for better access and fire mitigation.
Todd dropped off pipe tubing for fence repairs and some is also coming from Montgomery Livestock Co,
These materials will be stored at Eli’s property. Ty is ordering the fence wire, stays and T-posts so all materials will be available when the fence is put back up and when the fence replacement project begins.
Bids will be requested from several companies before the job is given out. As of today, estimates for one mile of fence replacement is approximately $30,000.00. The board is working to keep that cost down by
Members volunteering time and potential equipment use.
The issue of fencing responsibility with adjoining owners was discussed at length and several board members will be contacting The Forest Service office, the local BLM office, The State land board office & NRCS office to discuss shared cost of the expense of fence maintenance and replacement with each of these entities.
It was discussed and a motion was made that once the legal fund balance reaches $10,000.00 to start accruing $100.00 monthly for a contingency or emergency fund for future expenses, these funds could also be used for legal fees if needed.
There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Vicki Burns Sec/Tres
Wilderness Ranch Landowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2024
Vice Pres. Ty Stewart called meeting to order at 6:59 pm
Board Members Present: Ty Stewart, Guy Whitlock, Vicki Burns, with
Todd Carlson and Eli Allen, Bud Bower by phone.
Minutes of the previous board meeting were approved as presented.
Vice President Report: Ty spoke with Todd earlier in the day and discussed a few issues the board
Needed to address. Filling the vacant seat on the board being one of them. Sid Arola was nominated
To fill the remainder of Jesse’s term. After discussion was held, a motion was made, seconded and passed.
Sec. /Tres. Report –
Vicki reported to date there were 303 lot dues paid. That equates to 252 owners.
3 partial payments made & several overpayments made that those members are being reimbursed for.
General checking a/c balance is $56,744.28, Legal fund balance being $9,712.97.
Map income from 1/1/24 to current is $120.00
A notice was sent to the local title companies regarding the increase in dues so when they are pro-rating dues for buyers and sellers they have the correct amount. Also, each real estate office in town was given a
courtesy call to let them know as well so when they are advertising properties, they can correctly say there is an HOA dues and how much it is.
Old Business:
The fish permit was obtained, and the fish order was placed, and a delivery date needs to be set.
After discussion regarding the roads being open, the date of June 22, 2024, was selected.
The fish hatchery will be notified. This is a Saturday delivery as in the past few years and a notice will be posted on the website for those interested in helping with this project.
Follow up on Fire Mitigation Grant – Ty spoke with Eli and as today Eli has not heard anything back
From our contact person regarding the grant or where they are in the process.
New Business:
Set the date for the Annual summer membership meeting for 2024. It was decided to go with July 6th,
Potluck @ noon followed by the meeting. The association will supply meat and rolls & everyone is asked to bring a side dish to share along with their chair, table service & plates.
There have been issues with parking at the snowmobile parking lot, signage does not seem to be the way to clear up the problems. Vehicles being left for very extended periods of time, parking as to not allow for
Others to park or get around vehicles parked. Not sure what can be done but hopefully people will start being more conscientious about how they park and be polite in doing so.
It was mentioned by Bud that we may wish to start a conversation about memorials at the ranch, if this is something we want to think about.
Property taxes will be paid for the hunting reserve & Lot 250 in the amount of $261.72.
The website needs some attention to clean up some issues, Guy volunteered to help with that.
There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Vicki Burns Sec/Tres
Wilderness Ranch Landowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2023
Pres. Todd Carlson called meeting to order at 7:05 pm
Board Members Present: Todd Carlson, Ty Stewart, Eli Allen, Guy Whitlock, Vicki Burns.
Jesse Cramer by phone. Bud Bower was absent -out of town.
Minutes of the previous board meeting were approved as presented.
President Report: Todd discussed the issue of the board writing a letter supporting the efforts to
apply for a Grant for fire mitigation issues within and around the subdivision. Letter will be drafter and
sent to Judy and or Scott Robey to be added to the information packet for the grant.
The lay down fencing was discussed, and members will be in contact with bordering landowners
To request their support with the process of getting the fence laid down before winter weather becomes a
factor. It was mentioned that we need to investigate what the state law requires regarding who is
responsible for the expense of fencing out livestock. Is this a shared expense between ranchers & adjoining
property owners or just the expense of the folks that want the livestock off of their land?
Sec. /Tres. Report –
Vicki reported that to date there were 387 ½ paid association lots. The general checking account balance as
of Nov. 30, 2023, is $23,939.01, with the legal fund balance being $9,312.97.
Major expenses paid out since the last meeting:
Smith Brothers – year end fence exp. $1200.00
D Montgomery Insurance – Ins. Renewal $2638.86
Old Business:
Election of officers for the new year. It was motioned, seconded, and passed that the officers would remain
the same as they were for 2023.
Todd Carlson – Pres. Ty Stewart – Vice Pres. Vicki Burns- Sec/Tres
New Business:
Set the amount for 2024 dues to be billed.
After much discussion and input from all the board members it was agreed upon that the 2024 dues
would be set at $125.00 per lot.
Discussion continued that if expenses for fence repair, etc. continue to rise, the board may have to look
at another increase in dues for future years.
There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Vicki Burns Sec/Tres
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Pres. Todd Carlson called meeting to order at 6:IO pm
Board Members Present: Ty Stewart, Eli Allen, Guy Whitlock, Vicki Bums, Bud Bower, Jesse Cramer Were all in attendance.
Members & Guests were welcomed & each person introduced themselves. Members were asked to verify the phone number & email address the association has on file for them during the course of the meeting.
Todd asked for the nominating committee to tally the ballots/votes while the meeting proceeded.
Motion was made & minutes of the summer general membership meeting were approved as presented. Minutes are posted on the website.
President Report: Todd gave an update on the on Co Rd 38 maintenance and the ongoing fencing issue of replacing sections of the laydown fencing. There was much discussion regarding the fencing & the associations responsibility on having to put up and lay down the perimeter fencing. A letter was received from the Forest service management specialist regarding the issue and was also discussed. Ther is a total of
_17.1 miles of fence, a good amount that needs replacing in the near future. ½ mile was replaced this summer for a cost of $125.00. That did not include the cost of the equipment & fuel to clear the line to build the new fence.
Recent conversations with adjoining ranchers provided the opportunity for one of the ranchers to provide the equipment & fuel to get the job done. Board members agreed that the rising cost to repair and replace the fence needing attention will be prohibited by a lack of funds given our current dues and the number of dues collected annually. There are several other areas that were noted as needing the fence totally replaced due to condition/age. It is obvious that a dues increase will be necessary to meet the ongoing annual financial needs of the association. Discussion was had regarding a dues increase & all comments will be taken into consideration when the amount is decided upon.
Todd reported that we had another successful fish delivery this summer and that the water storage tank has now been drained for the winter.
Guy Whitlock gave a presentation on the need for members of Wilderness ranches to become members of the Northwest Colorado Snowmobile club to help keep the number of miles of groomed trails in our area. Had it not been for the groomers this past spring, Co Rd 38 would not have been open until the end of June with the snowpack we received last winter. Drifts were exceptionally tall &wide across Co Rd 38.
DOW officer reported the animal survival percentage rates from this past winters kill and herds moving out of the area. As a result, tags available will be fewer depending on the animal. A reminder was given that to hunt on someone else’s land you must have permission and be able to prove it if you are contacted.
Vicki reported that to date there were 372 paid association lots. The general checking account balance as of· Oct. 26, 2023, was $23,607.01, with the legal fund balance being $9,212.97.
Major expenses paid out since the summer meeting:
J. Jensen fence replacement $12,500.00
Smith Brother’s fence stand up and repairs including 1000 new stays in the fence $7,197.50 Liley Fisheries for the fish and delivery $5,860.00
The Nominating Committee reported vote totals: Eli Allen 68; Vicki Bums 71, & Ty Stewart 71. There were 2 write in candidates with I vote each.
A request for a letter from the Association and or Board of Directors to ask for a Grant available for fire mitigation in the ranch was presented. While everyone appeared to agree on the need there was no formal vote taken. The Board will revisit this at its next meeting.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted
Vicki Bums Sec/Tres
Annual Summer Membership Meeting Minutes
July 1, 2023
Pres Todd called the meeting to order at 12:55 after the Pot Luck luncheon which began at approximately noon. Todd welcomed all in attendance and thanked everyone for coming for the potluck/ annual meeting.
Todd, in an effort to give our guest speakers time for a good presentation and not keep them too long in the event they got called away, introduced Officer Todd Wheeler, Mo Co Fire Management officer and Sheriff deputy Gordon as our guest speakers. Officer Wheeler gave very useful and informative presentation on future fire management for our area as well as mitigation issues. His business cards and a detailed report on future operations were made available to all who wanted them. It was agreed that a link will be added to our Wilderness Ranch website so everyone can have the opportunity to review this report. It was also noted, with the 4th of July holiday right around the corner that while fireworks are legal in Colorado, they cannot be the type that leave the ground or explode. Any fire fighting expenses incurred by a district when the fire is caused by human(s) in error or otherwise, is paid for by the person(s) responsible. One tanker plane drop cost in the area of $90,000 in addition to any property loses caused by a fire. A little pricey for anyone’s short lived pleasure.
After several questions were presented and answered, our guests were thanked for coming and agreed to stay in the event any members had further questions for them.
Todd then went back to the agenda for the balance of the meeting topics.
It was noted that we had a quorum to handle any business issues for the association.
Todd called for a motion to approve the minutes from the Fall 2022 Membership meeting; It was noted that minutes had been posted to the website, motion was made, seconded and motions passed.
Pres. & Pres.-Elect Reports:
Todd gave an update on the Co Road work on Co Rd 38 & proposed projects to get work done on Lower Grackle and Sprout drive. Magnesium chloride was applied to 4 miles of Co Rd 38 in the subdivision. Concerns were again noted from the road department regarding driveways without permits. Blading of the side roads will be completed during the county’s scheduled time frame. No specific dates were given. One member noted her road sign is totally missing, (Clay Place) this will be brought to the road departments attention as well as the need for more yield and or stop signs at several intersections of Co Rd 38 with adjoining roads.
Fish update was given, reporting that approximately 15 members and friends showed up and helped delivery the fish to the ponds on June 24th. 750 lbs. of fish were purchased and there were no floaters.
The new water tank was filled by Todd and the paint job looks good.
Lastly, the fencing job was completed, the fencing crew helped remove some cows who came in at a couple places before the fencing was completed. No injuries to either man or animals. The board is obtaining bids to replace approximately 2 – 2.5 miles of fencing that has more than served its usefulness, the areas on both sides of this fencing needs to be brush-hogged before new fencing can be put in, Eli Allen (board member) is working on this project and will report back to the board when more specifics are available. Our current fencing company will be inspecting the fence lines where the cows have gotten in at least once a month to try and ensure the fence is in place and there are no trees down on it to allow the cows access to the subdivision.
Other: Many members of the NW Colo Snowmobile Club are also owners in WR, Guy Whitlock made a pitch to our members to encourage WR owners to join the club, the club membership numbers dictate the number of trails that get groomed each year and as part of the current trail system 15+/- miles of trails are groomed in WR which allows our owners easier access to their properties in the winter months. Dues is minimal and will allow our members to enjoy their properties year-round while supporting the snowmobile club and the good work they do in our subdivision. A link to the NWC Snowmobile club will be added to our website so our members can join. Thank you, Guy for the info shared.
Sec. /Tres. Report –
Vicki reported that to date including the two members that paid at the or before the meeting there are now 324 paid association members which equates to 340 lots having the dues paid on them.
General checking account balance as of June 30, 2023 is $39,078.58,
Legal fund balance as of June 30, 2023 is $8,812.97. There are no bills unpaid or due currently.
It was mentioned that there were maps for sale.
It was mentioned that we have been receiving a significant number of return mail items. Please put the address/phone number/email address you wish to have us use on your dues notice return stubs and keep the county updated on any address changes as we pull our info from their website as well.
Marlin with the County building department sent a follow-up report on property owners he had previously contacted regarding permit violations. It was noted that signs had been put up at each entrance specifically stating all structures in the subdivision need to be permitted.
New Business:
Todd announced that he has appointed three members as the Nominating Committee for the upcoming election of Directors this fall. There are three terms expiring so Nominating committee members will be reaching out to see who would like to serve on the board for a two-year term beginning in 2024 ending the end of 2026. It was noted that all the current directors have expressed interest in running again.
It was discussed and decided that the annual Fall meeting will be held at 6:00 pm on Friday October27th
The Friday before opening second rifle season, at lot 826, Vicki Burns cabin.
There being no further business to discuss, Everyone was thanked for their attendance and participation and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted, Vicki Burns, Sec/Tres
WRLOA Board Member Meeting
Wilderness Ranch Landowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 30, 2023
Pres. Todd Carlson called meeting to order at 5:33 pm
Board Members Present: Todd Carlson, by phone, Ty Stewart, Eli Allen, Guy Whitlock, & Vicki Burns, Bud Bower by phone. Jesse Cramer had excused absence due to being out of town.
President Report: Todd reported that both Co Rd 38 from Hwy 13 to Co Rd 1 and Co Rd 70 are now open and free of all drifts. Also, that he had filled the water storage tank for fire mitigation over the past week; original buried tank has been filled with dirt and buried for safety purposes but needs a little more dirt work done; that he had spoken with the Mo Co Road department and they will be applying mag-chloride on Co Rd 38 starting the week of June 20th. Also discussing the county maintaining several other roads in the subdivision that need work.
Sec. /Tres. Report –
Vicki reported that to date there were 321 paid association members which equates to 336 lots.
General checking account balance as of April 30, 2023 was $45,045.37, with the legal fund balance being $8,712.97.
Annual summer meeting will take place July 1st; postcards have been ordered and will be mailed out by the end of next week to all paid lot owners. Dues payments are still trickling in and those owners will be sent their membership cards and the post cards through the third week of June. After that when dues are paid
Membership cards will continue to be mailed out.
Maps will be available for purchase and brought to the annual meeting. Lanyards will also be brought o the meeting for those members who have not received one in the past.
Old Business:
Delivery date for fish is scheduled for June 24th around 12:00-12:30. At this time it does not appear that weather will delay the delivery. Liability forms will again be brought to the fish delivery project for all persons to sign who intend on helping take the fish up to the ponds. Board members will check out the trails to the ponds to see if clearing of down trees is needed and re-check the week before delivery.
A motion was made and passed to allow the use of motorized equipment to do trail repairs to ensure trail safety for all users. This will only be done by and with Board members present.
Fence work in progress- hope to be completed by middle of June, hopefully before ranchers bring in more livestock to the area. The discussion was had regarding the need to replace at least a 2+ mile section of fencing hopefully prior to fall due to the bad condition of the fence. Eli will contact the fence contractor we are using to provide specific area needing replaced, will request a bid and when that comes in it will be determined as to how we move forward with the project. The association currently has several rolls of wire and t-posts. The contractor is aware of this and if any other materials are needed, they will turn in receipts for any material purchases. It was discussed that the fencing people need to check the lay down fence once a month during the summer months once it is put up to be sure it stays up to prevent livestock from coming into the subdivision.
Ty compiled a list of the lot owners whose back lot lines will be impacted where the section of fencing needs to be replaced. After we have pricing & vote to afford the fence replacement, Vicki will send letters out to these owners notifying them of the work to be done and giving them a time frame.
It was discussed and agreed that several other agencies be invited to the Annual summer meeting to include the BLM fire department; the Forest Service fire department, Todd Wheeler, the Mo Co Fire District manager and again invite KC Hume, Mo Co sheriff as well as a DOW representative and Marlin
From the County building department. Invites will be sent to all these individuals the first part of June.
New Business:
Todd mentioned that there will be 3 board seats coming up for election this fall and he will be looking to assign the three nominating committee members needed to gather names of potential candidates. The 3 current board members have indicated that they are all willing to continue serving as board members.
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted,Vicki Burns Sec/Tres
DATE: January 4, 2023, TIME: 6:30
* President – Todd Carlson verified that the water tank had been emptied and the old buried tank had been back filled to prevent any future issues.
Noted how well the roads had held up through hunting season and several good comments had been received regarding that topic.
* Secretary/Treasurer Report- Vicki reported the following:
* Current paid membership to date 1/4/23 is 7
* Current Operating A/C bank balance $ 26,770.66
* Current legal Fund A/C bank balance $ 8,212.97
Vicki updated the new board members regarding the automatic transfer monthly from the operating account to the legal fund account so we have funds set aside when needed for legal issues. It was agreed that in late February/early March Vicki will put in the request for the fish stocking permit so we will be able to order fish for the ponds for a late June delivery (weather permitting).
* Election of Officers for 2023: After discussion sand nominations were made, the current officers were all re-elected to their respective positions. Todd Carlson Pres., Ty Stuart, Pres Elect, and Vicki Burns, Sec/Tres. for the 2023 term.
* New Business-
* Hunting issues – private land and the reserve. After much discussion on the matter, It was decided that a letter will be sent out for information purposes to all our landowners detailing who can and can’t hunt in the reserve and how hunting on private lots other than your own lot is determined. It will be noted that there is No Open Hunting Allowed in the Subdivision. The letter will also note that permits are required for all driveways & structures in the subdivision.
With no other issues to be considered, the meeting was adjourned at 7:49 pm
Respectfully submitted:
Vicki Burns, Sec/Tres.
WRLOA Annual Fall Membership Meeting
October 28, 2022
Call to Order- Ty Stewart called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm
Approval of the Minutes from Summer membership meeting- motion was made and passed.
Report from the Officers:
* President-Elect– Ty Stewart gave Todd’s report as Todd was working out of the area.
* Water tank – was drained, water tank was painted this summer; old fiberglass tank was filled in and buried over.
* Fence line clearing: Board member Eli Allen cleared much of the perimeter fence lines, some areas on both sides of the fence, some only on one side, access limited in some areas. This work will aid the fence contractor in getting fence maintenance done. The WR board members teamed up with a land owner and replaced a section of fence. WR LO Assoc. paid for the materials & landowner replaced the fence. This was in an area where the cows had been coming in.
* Co Road Dept. put mag Chloride on CR 38 at their expense this year, and re-graveled the entire Game Reserve Drive.
* Reminder: Close gates when entering & leaving the Reserve! We have had a few issues with cows this year, but not as many as past years. If you open it, Close it!
* Remember if you are building or putting in a drive-way You Need a Permit
From Moffat County!! Permits are less expensive than FINES!!
* Secretary/Treasurer Report-
*Old Business:
* Several new letters have been sent out to owners re driveway, structure permits and structures not in compliance with sq. footage requirements per subdivision covenants. Several of the owners have made contact with the board and the building department since receiving the letters and are working with the building department to correct the issues. The board will follow up on these and other lot(s) owners and issues and keep working with the county to make head way on this problem.
* There is a new buck & rail fence and gate installed at the access parcel on Forest Service road and signage so everyone can see this is a foot and or horse trail access to the forest.
* Election: Vote tallying- Ty appointed 3 members to count and tally the ballots.
The election results are as follows:
Jessie Cramer received 100 votes, Todd Carlson received 95 votes,
Guy Whitlock received 91 votes, Bud Bower received 85 votes,
Patrick Gould received 23 votes, Todd Orr received 20 votes, and
Dave Forney received 18 votes, one write in candidate, Dale Richards received 1 vote.
* New Business-
Annual Summer meeting date was set for July 1, 2023 (First Sat in July) An update was given on the meeting with County Commissioners regarding enforcement of the covenants for the subdivision. County attorney is working with the building department to set policy for fines and dollar amounts of fines for code violations in the county which will be enforced in WR subdivision. As these policies come into place we will pass that info on to our land owners and others as needed.
With no other business to come before the group, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Burns